+48 22 350 10 10 bok@telnaptelecom.pl

How can we assist you?

Reach out to our sales team

Not yet our customer but considering switching operators or need additional services and want to learn more about Telnap Telecom’s offerings.

Contact our Customer Service Center

You are our customer and need technical or operational support.

Contact the NOC Technical Support
(Network Operation Center)

You are our customer and need urgent, nighttime technical assistance.

If you prefer
telephone or email contact, use:

Customer support for our Clients

+48 22 350 10 10

Service Information


Telnap Telecom Headquarters

Telnap Telecom Sp. z o.o.
ul. Modlińska 61
03-199 Warsaw, PL

REGON: 366238643 | NIP: 5242818190 | KRS: 0000655132

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